2014 Dirty Dozen List

Fruits and vegetables are amazing powerhouses of nutrients for our body but when we try to do right by ourselves and buy organic, our hearts stop at the sight of their price tags. Organic produce can be more expensive, so if you are concerned with pesticide residue (and not ingesting it) this list will help guide your grocery shopping.

Each year the Environmental Working Group analyzes pesticide residue testing data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration and releases a list of their findings of the “dirtiest” fruits and vegetables. And by dirty, I mean the most pesticide laden. These are the 12 items that are worth the splurge in the organic section.

Although not making the “dirty dozen” list, chili peppers and kale/collard greens were frequently contaminated with insecticides that are toxic to the human nervous system. So I’m definitely thinking organic for those too.dirty dozen produce list


There is also a Clean 15 published to guide you towards the vegetables that are least likely to hold pesticide residue. No need to buy organic here, save your money.

Clean 15 produce listFor more information visit http://www.ewg.org/.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/2014-dirty-dozen-list/

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