This is my FAVORITE time of year and no pandemic is gonna shut down my celebrating! So where are you doing your Christmas shopping? Are you shopping small? I, probably like you, frequent the easy-to-buy-from Amazon and Target. Just a few clicks, they already know your credit card number, it’s tempting, I know. But this …
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Who knows what life would be like if she were still here. Twenty four more years of her wisdom on this earth. Maybe she’d have her own blog. Maybe she would have written books. Maybe we could have written one together. Alas, her words from the past still ring true today so I’ll share them …
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Who needs an excuse to shop?? Home deliveries are something we’ve grown accustomed to over the last few months, but just when you thought you couldn’t justify one more impulse buy, I am here to tell you otherwise! Amazon, Target, Wal Mart and Best Buy, just to name a few, are having major deals 10/13-14. …
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August was not an awesome month. I was sad, short-tempered and worried most days. The worst part is that I didn’t even realize it until now. My sister reached out because she noticed my social media had been quiet. I assured her I was fine. But then I realized I haven’t read a book all …
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Summertime Christmas just happened in our house. This happened partly because I was out of “stay in place” ideas and partly because nothing cheers me up like Christmas. And couldn’t we all use a little cheer right now? I’m telling you — A little Will Ferrell in Elf and twinkling lights on my tree and …
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I love this cleaner for my counters, stove top, kitchen table, etc. Easy peasy ingredients. No chemicals = the kids can do the cleaning! No more ruining nice towels with bleach stains! Through my green-cleaning experiments I’ve …
Today is Friday the 13th and what makes it even creepier, is that we are expecting a full moon tonight. The last time the two will coincide for 30 years. So if you are going …
Of all the traditions that I’ve tried to create for my family, eating dinner together every night might be the most important. In our crazy, hurried world, this is one of my best “balancing the …
Anyone else feeling the crazies set in of school and after-school activities beginning? Oh sure. I could be a sane mother who lets their kid participate in just one activity at a time. But oh …