Make-it Monday: Carpet Spot Remover

carpet spot removerContinuing on my kick of natural cleaning, I recently tackled some spots on my carpet that were driving me crazy. In the past when I’ve used store-bought cleaners I’ve made a bigger mess of the spots with the spray than when I started. But knowing it couldn’t be worse than that, I tried this simple concoction. Equal parts of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. I used about 2 Tbsp of each so this recipe cost about ten cents! Best part of the story is that my spots are gone and the carpet looks great!

DIY Carpet Spot Remover


Clean rag
Bowl for mixture


Equal parts:

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • White vinegar

How to:

To begin, use 2 Tbsp. of each ingredient. Mix in bowl. Using clean rag, wet spot and lightly scrub. Let dry. Be amazed. 🙂

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