Get Creative with Your Leftovers

get creative with your leftoversJust a quick note today because I wanted to share. I had a conundrum when getting today’s lunch ready last night. I was going to have leftover flank steak on a salad but we are having beef for dinner and I didn’t want to go crazy on the red meat. So I scavenged through the fridge and found leftover salmon and quinoa from last night. Hmmm….

Let me digress for a moment. I know a lot of people don’t like leftovers but I don’t like food going to waste. And inevitably, we are often left with extra some nights. Unfortuntely it often goes to waste because I don’t feel like eating the same thing twice. Occasionally we will take it to work for lunch. But things like fish can’t be heated up in a microwave there. Stinky!

So back to my story- I already had the greens in a bowl and thought, why not just add the quinoa and salmon to it? Throw in a little dressing and I will be set! This salad would cost me $15 at a restaurant! So I whipped up some Asian dressing (yes, it is that fast, try it!!) and quickly had a yummy lunch ready to go.

Think about what is in your fridge and how you can re-purpose it. I often throw quinoa in salads or extra veggies in the crock pot with whatever meat I’m cooking. If you have creative ways to re-purpose your leftovers, tell us how!

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