Black Friday Season

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Black Friday is becoming a season, building in the weeks before Thanksgiving. This means being on your game watching for sales now. Here are some helpful tips to the make the most of it.

  1. Inventory what you need. I use the term need loosely. But honestly, so much of the shopping that I do on Black Friday has nothing to do with Christmas gifts. This is when I buy frying pans, toaster ovens, pillows, sheets, etc. Take a minute to take stock of what you need replacing so you are prepared to buy at the best prices.
  2. Research electronics. A while back my husband went to buy a TV on sale for a great price and came home spending $300 more than planned. He found out as he got there that the picture quality wasn’t good and it had terrible reviews. If you are looking for electronics, do a little research now so you can feel good about what you buy and don’t end up disappointed. Since so many Black Friday ads are posted early ( ), you really get a good chance to do your homework.
  3. Try before you buy. I have a teenager. She is picky. One year I thought it was a great idea to take her to the mall on Black Friday so she could pick out some clothes. Do you know how hard it is to browse clothes, find the right size and try them on that day?? It was madness. So, new tactic. She is going to the mall this week. She will try on clothes, see what fits, what styles look good, and give me a very detailed list. Pictures included (thank you technology). Then I will sit in my pajamas, wait for the sale, and buy her some gifts from the comfort of home. She will get some things she actually wanted and I won’t have to deal with teen angst. Over this at least.
  4. Remember that what you see in ads aren’t always the best prices. Wait- didn’t I just say to stock up because they were? Yes I did, but buyer beware. Walmart (and all the other stores) do not truly have 65 pages of merchandise on sale. They have about 15 and the rest are pics of regularly priced items to showcase the options they carry. Be a smart shopper.
  5. Make a list of who you are buying for. This may seem obvious; your kids, spouse, parents, etc. But every year I am surprised when I remember a teacher gift, a white elephant gift for work, something for the babysitter….you get the point. Then I pay full price or settle for a gift card out of convenience. If you can be thoughtful about this now, you will be ready to pounce when the deals begin.

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