I did a little thing and I am so excited to share it with you!
Today is the first day of Lent. Maybe like me you grew up not eating meat on Fridays and giving up something like soda or candy for 40 long days. While the tuna casserole sure felt like a sacrifice, I never really knew what it was all about.
Quick lesson in case you’re wondering what I’m referring to. For Christians, Lent is a 6-week season of reflection and an opportunity to grow closer to God as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter. It’s a season to sacrifice, repent and restore our faith. After what seems like an entire year of Lenten sacrifice, it wouldn’t be surprising if your faith was shaken. As an adult I have spent some Lenten seasons trying to do something good (e.g. feed the homeless) but to be honest, some seasons I have forgotten all about it. Can you relate? (Insert, yes) But would you like a change? Oh another yes! Good! I’ve got something that will not only lead you in this season, but give you hope for an incredible future!
It has been on my heart to write a devotional to help people find their way back to faith. Resurrecting my faith and relationship with Jesus has been life changing in the most incredible ways and I needed a way to help others do the same. Mix that with my passion for writing and that is how 30 Days Back to Faith was born.
This 30-day devotional is written for anybody who has had an upbringing in faith but wishes for a deeper relationship with God. Maybe your parents took you to church as a kid, but you haven’t been back as an adult. Maybe you believe in God, but you really don’t know what that means. Maybe you go through the motions of Christian ritual but haven’t opened your heart to true faith. This is for you.
I thought about releasing it New Years Day. New year resolutions tend to be filled with promises of healthier habits like dieting, exercise or getting your finances in order, so I thought why not include “renewing spiritual habits?” But then I worried like many resolutions, these lessons would fade away after January passed.
Then it occurred to me that this devotional was much more suited to support the Lenten season. Let me be clear that I have no expectations of how you actually celebrate Lent. Eat meat or don’t. Give something up or don’t. Get ashes on your forehead today…..or don’t, you get it. Start today, start next week, it doesn’t matter. This devotional is meant to support you finding your way back to or deeper into a relationship with God and it only seems fitting as we approach Easter that we renew our thanks and faith now.
How awesome would it be if we had guidance in our parenting decisions, leadership pointing the way towards our purpose, counsel for our marriage and friendships based in truth and love? What a relief it would be to stop feeling responsible to know all the answers, to have it all figured out. Spoiler alert: that’s what these next 30 days are going to bring you: permission to stop carrying everything on your own shoulders and letting the creator of the universe lead you through your days.
I invite you to spend the next 30 days with an open mind and an open heart. Anything you read, write or pray is between you and God so do not hold back your thoughts and feelings. This time is sacred and just for you. You’ll explore what holds you back, where you dream to be and practical steps to get you there. Eternal life seems like a pretty worthy idea to explore, yes?
Beginning Sunday Feb 21 I will begin posting to my Instagram and Facebook diving deeper into some of the passages. If you want to start Sunday too, great. But do what works for you. And if you miss a day, do not give up. There is no test to pass at the end. This is just between you and God.
Need an accountability buddy or a partner for support? Do this with your spouse, your sister, your group of friends — sharing is caring. Not your jam? No hard feelings. But if you know anybody who might need this, I hope you will do everyone a favor and pass it along.
The 30 Days Back to Faith devotional is available to download from my website and will be FREE through the Lenten season. If you visit the “shop” tab you can add it to your cart. It will still make you “checkout” but for zero dollars. You can immediately download the devotional from the page that pops up after you “place order.” FYI: this method helps me count the reach, so please encourage your friends and family to download it themselves instead of making copies or emailing it to others.
Reach out if you have questions and please share your experience! I can’t wait to hear all about it!
A note to my readers: I am very open about being a Christian, but you may have began following me for posts about parenting, shopping deals, etc. The next month is going to be heavy on this particular topic. If that’s not your interest, no offense taken. But the overall theme of Balancing the Busy isn’t changing, so sit tight. Take what you like, leave what you don’t.
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