Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide- Grout Cleaner

I love baking soda. I would love to put together a list of all the many ways it can be used around the house, but in an attempt at balance, you’re just getting my latest and greatest use today.

I’ve got light colored grout in my kitchen and nothing seemed to clean it. That is, until a few months back when I used this method and got amazing results.

But I have this separate area where we gather keys, mail, charge cellphones, etc. that I didn’t clean that day. When I sprayed down the counters recently, the spray may have sterilized it, but I noticed the grout looked pretty nasty.  I decided it was a great way for me to show off this cleaning method and bring my counter up to a better standard of clean. Check out the before and after. Little bit amazed, little bit grossed out, I know- me too.

Baking soda, Hydrogen Peroxide grout cleaner You will need:

Baking Soda

Hydrogen Peroxide

Tooth brush (just for cleaning) or grout brush


Sprinkle baking soda on the grout lines. When the grout is covered, sprinkle the hydrogen peroxide in the same pattern to make it paste like. (It helps if the hydrogen peroxide is a squeeze bottle) If the mixture has too much liquid, sprinkle on a little more baking soda. Let sit for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes use the brush to scrub the paste into the grout. This could take a lot or a little muscle depending how dirty your grout is. Wipe up with a damp towel, as the baking soda can leave the counters feeling a little gritty if not wiped up well. And voila, grout like new!

Inexpensive, “green” cleaning, and pretty simple.

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  1. […] for a huge return. If you’re itching to try something now, here is an awesome combo for cleaning grout. I’ll see you next Monday with the first […]

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