Tag: try new beer

Keeping Your Cool in the Summer Heat

Reipces to feed and hydrate you on a hot summer day

I love, love, love summer. The hotter the better. But I say that with the caveat that I don’t actually have to spend a lot of time in the heat unless I am near a body of water. You may not share my love for the sizzling sidewalks, but either way, we are both sweating …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/keeping-your-cool-in-the-summer-heat/

24 Beers to Try? Challenge Accepted!

Who loves cold beer tasting on a warm afternoon? This girl! I made the ultimate sacrifice for my readers and tried over 30 beers at the Great Vegas Festival of Beer last weekend just so I could tell you all about them. Poor me, right? This was my first beer festival and it was so …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/24-beers-to-try-challenge-accepted/