Has your countdown to Christmas begun? When you’re making your list and checking it twice, did you add some time for yourself? I’m definitely in list-mode, so here are five things you can do for yourself to help calm the Christmas crazies. Clean your house. If your home is about to explode with Santa figurines …
Tag: exercise
Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/calm-those-christmas-crazies/
Feb 03 2014
30 Minutes a Day
Health experts agree that 30 minutes of exercise each day is good for the heart, improves moods, and promotes overall good health. Everyone else says, yeah, when do I fit that into my day!? Nutrition and fitness are a big part of my life, but even so, it’s easier said than done. Between work, …
Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/30-minutes-a-day/