Tag: california
Traveling during COVID was a big decision for my family. Accustomed to traveling a lot and already having a spring trip cancelled, we were anxious to get out of town. We love our home, but like most people, our four walls were looking a little repetitive and I’ve done all the house projects that I …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/traveling-during-covid-what-it-looks-like/
If you’re headed to Yosemite National Park, you don’t have to leave your faithful friend at home. There are plenty of ways to enjoy Yosemite with your canine by your side. My family enjoyed a day trip to the park and as first-time visitors, we felt like we covered a lot of ground. We began …
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Permanent link to this article: https://www.balancingthebusy.com/yosemite-with-dogs/